Jeannine Dunne at the Embassy of Ireland France

The Embassy of Ireland France invited GDG Director, Jeannine Dunne, to participate in an event to discuss Franco-Irish Research: Enabling the Offshore Wind Potential of the Atlantic.

Hosted by His Excellency, Mr Niall Burgess, Jeannine shared her extensive expertise in a technical discussion on the digitisation of metocean and geographical data. She discussed the various types of data used by offshore wind developers and how it can support offshore wind farm design. She also highlighted the importance of ensuring the data collected is robust, standardised and fit for purpose.

At GDG, we are experts in de-risking offshore wind projects. Our specialist team routinely take multiple datasets and integrate them into the site selection and refinement processes to ensure the optimum design of offshore wind projects.

As attendees explored how research connections between France and Ireland can help inform policy decisions, Jeannine shared details of our collaborations with research institutions and Irish state agencies in areas such as ground truthing, state-led geophysical surveys, environmental impacts and accelerating the deployment of floating offshore wind.



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